文/美醫誌綜合報導 摘要 The Executive Yuan has announced the addition of new psychoactive substances N-Butylpentylone and N-Butylhexedrone as Category three narcotics on July 27 , 2020. The Executive Yuan further announced the listing of Methyl-3-oxo-2-phenylbutyrate, Fluorophenylacetone and Methoxyphenylacetone as precursor ingredients of Category four narcotics on November 16 , 2020. While the aforementioned narcotics have no known medical application, for scientific purposes these substances are classified and listed by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) as controlled drugs via announcement of the Executive Yuan on November 16 , 2020. N-Butylpentylone and N-Butylhexedrone are synthetic cathinones;Methyl-3-oxo-2-phenylbutyrate can be refined into P2P (precursor ingredient for making amphetamine and methamphetamine), while fluorophenylacetone and methoxyphenylacetone can be refined into amphetamine type narcotics like fluoroamphetamine and methoxymethamphetamine. Cathinones and amphetamines are central nervous system stimulants that are highly addictive, and may produce toxicological reactions such as tachycardia, hypertension, hyperpyrexia, hallucination and paranoia. The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration(TFDA) would like to remind institutions and companies keeping such controlled drugs to apply for controlled drugs registration license as per regulations, and to maintain records of daily increase and decrease of stocks, destruction, loss and inventory of controlled drugs at their business department and report them periodically. Institutions and companies wishing to use the aforementioned substances for medical or educational research must submit an application for use of controlled drugs to the MOHW. To avoid penalties, the application must be approved before the controlled drugs can be used. *以上言論不代表本站立場,任何手術或療程均有其風險,實際仍須由醫師當面與您進行評估而定*
文/美醫誌綜合報導 圖片來源:資料照片,總統府提供 摘要 美國新任衛生及公共服務部部長貝西拉(Xavier Becerra)於台灣時間5月21日上午7時30分(美東時間5月20日晚間7時30分)與我國衛生福利部部長陳時中透過視訊舉行雙邊會議,雙方討論如何在去年簽署之合作瞭解備忘錄下持續深化台美醫衛、科學創新合作。貝西拉部長表示美國珍視與台灣之友誼,也肯定台美年來共同抗疫的夥伴關係,並強調美國將支持我國取得COVID-19疫苗。 貝西拉部長於會中讚揚台灣自COVID-19疫情爆發以來對全球之貢獻,以及強調台美合作維持印太地區全球衛生安全之重要性,並特別感謝我國對美國之協助,重申美國將持續全力支持台灣擴大參與WHO與全球衛生事務。陳部長對貝西拉部長將我國列為其與外國政府雙邊會談之優先國家,以及美國堅定支持台灣參與WHO表達誠摯感謝,希望美方能持續支持台灣以觀察員身分參世界衛生大會(WHA),讓台灣能與國際社會分享、貢獻其衛生專業。 圖片來源:https://twitter.com/mohw_taiwan/status/1395568341373243396?s=21 此次陳部長與貝西拉部長會談時間約30分鐘,在座有美國在台協會台北辦事處(AIT/T)處長酈英傑(Brent Christensen)、外交部徐儷文主任秘書、北美司徐佑典司長、衛福部疾病管制署周志浩署長、國際合作組劉麗玲技監。 *以上言論不代表本站立場,任何手術或療程均有其風險,實際仍須由醫師當面與您進行評估而定*